Weaving stories, weaving the change

Ethical Choice was born from the need to respect the clothing standards suitable for places of worship and the Opera della Primaziale Pisana has transformed this need into a choice that generates value for the environment and people. No longer disposable material, but handcrafted products that involve local production companies and circular economy projects.

Sartoria Sociale Punto e a Capo is a start-up founded in Pisa in 2022 as part of Agal, a network made up of the Cooperativa Sociale Arnera, Cooperativa Aforisma Impresa Sociale and Acli Provinciali of Pisa.

Each shawl produced by the tailoring shop is a unique piece made entirely with recycled fabrics from the clothing industry. A virtuous transformation that reduces waste and ensures an inclusive and sustainable working supply chain. Disadvantaged people, people with disabilities, migrants, war refugees or long-term unemployed people are hired in the workshops of the Sartoria Sociale Punto e a Capo. A concrete way to offer a second chance while keeping the well-being of society and the environment together.