The winner of the edition of the 12th Anima Mundi International Competition of Sacred Music Composition announced by the Opera della Primaziale Pisana and the Anima Mundi Festival of Sacred Music is Gabriele Caselli. This special edition was dedicated to Mgr. Aldo Armani, the creator of the Competition. The President of the jury was Daniel Harding assisted by Mgr. Marco Frisina, Antonio Greco and Guido Corti.

The verdict was unanimous due to the high level of the chosen composition. The absolute first place went to the composer from Pisa. His track entitled Ubi caritas et amor for mixed chorus in four voices, arches and organ, will be performed on 14 September, 2019 in the Cathedral of Pisa within the International Anima Mundi Sacred Music Festival.

Gabriele Caselli, born in Pisa, is graduate in Piano and has a degree in Composition with full marks and honour. He is a soundtrack composer and has many official works released on IMDb website.


Opera della Primaziale Pisana
Piazza Arcivescovado, 1-56126 Pisa
tel. +39 050 835011/12