
06 Jun

Temporary exhibition – La Torre allo specchio

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La torre allo specchio. Le molte vite del Campanile del Duomo di Pisa 15 June-30 September 2024 Pisa, Opera del Duomo Palace Conceived and organised by the Opera della Primaziale Pisana on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of the monument, it is curated by Stefano Renzoni. Through […]

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19 May

Temporary exhibition – Orazio Riminaldi

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A Master from Pisa between Caravaggio and Gentileschi 28 May-5 September 2021 Pisa, Opera del Duomo Palace The occasion of the recent restoration of the dome of the Pisan cathedral, painted by Orazio Riminaldi between 1627 and 1630, gave rise to the idea of the exhibition. A monumental work, painted in oil, not fresco as […]

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10 Aug

Sinopie Museum, three works by Igor Mitoraj are exhibited

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On the occasion of the reopening, the museum houses 3 artworks of the artist Igor Mitoraj. The exhibition in the Sinopie Museum, Piazza del Duomo, Pisa will remain until September 2022. Mitoraj’s art thus is back to dialogue with the monuments and museums of the Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa, a dialogue that began in […]

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12 Apr


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Originating from an idea of ​​Rome’s European Centre for Tourism, Culture and Entertainment and organised by the institution, l’Opera della Primaziale Pisana in collaboration with the organisation, the Fabric of Saint Peter in Rome, the exhibition entitled: “IN PETER’S FOOTSTEPS. PISA CATHEDRAL AND THE VATICAN BASILICA” will open in the Palazzo dell’Opera and the adjoining […]

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27 Jun

ARNALDO POMODORO. Continuity and Innovation

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The highest aspiration for a sculptor is to set his works in dialogue with the urban fabric and with the landscape. Sculpture, as Hegel puts it, is the taking of a space and it has meaning if it manages to transform the place where it is set. So I am extremely happy that some of […]

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17 May

MITORAJ, angels

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On display around one hundred works, including monumental sculptures, bronzes, cast iron and drawings. Furthermore 50 plastering materials, for the first time collected in a single exposure, form the ideal artist gipsoteca. The exhibition reveals Pisa, for the first time, the production of the less known Mitoraj master painting. The paintings, result of the work […]

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