Other events

11 Sep

Baptistery, the large restoration site continues.

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The large restoration site continues. We are restoring the vaults over the matroneum and the plasters of the dome, which over time have exhibited defects including detachments and crumbling and other phenomena due to a loss of consistency of the binders. Nobody likes to see a building as magnificent as the Baptistery covered in scaffolding, […]

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13 Jul

Visit the Tower at sunset

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Long opening every day until 22, last visit at 21:30. Enjoy the sunset view. BUY YOUR TICKET ONLINE the best way to book.

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01 Jul

Baptistery. The large restoration site is ready

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The large restoration site is ready. We are restoring the vaults over the Matroneum and the plasters of the dome of the Baptistery, which over time have exhibited defects including detachments and crumbling and other phenomena due to a loss of consistency of the binders. The visitors can continue to admire the technical perfection achieved […]

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10 Jun

App for the visit of the Opera del Duomo Museum available

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Available on App Store and Google Play, the audioguide of the Opera del Duomo Museum guides the visitor along the museum. 5 languages available, Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and 55 listening points for 90 minutes audio that tell the development of Pisan art and medieval sculpture, born in the centuries-old construction site of the […]

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13 Oct

Opera del Duomo Museum, first anniversary. Long opening and guided tour.

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Given the success of the initiative, the Opera della Primaziale Pisana proposes another long opening day. On Saturday 24 October the Opera del Duomo Museum will be open until 21:00. The cafeteria, that overlooks the cloister and offers an enchanting point of view of the square, will also be open. Guided tour of the 26 […]

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27 Jul

The Sinopie Museum reopens on 1 August

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It was closed from 13 January for extraordinary maintenance. The museum houses the sinopias, that is to say the preparatory drawings for the vast frescoes that adorned the walls of the Camposanto. Here you can admire and compare the most extensive cycle of fourteenth-fifteenth-century graphics known to us. In addition to the sinopias, the museum […]

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17 Oct

Opening of the Opera del Duomo Museum

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In 1979 the Sisters Cappuccine, owners of an ancient building in the Piazza del Duomo in Pisa, decided to abandon their convent to retreat to a more suitable location. The Board of the Opera della Primaziale Pisana saw then the opportunity to fill that lack of space that the development of the Fabbriceria had long […]

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04 Jun


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From 24 June to 4 July 2019 the 14th edition of Musica sotto la Torre which is a festival organised by the Opera della Primaziale Pisana will be held in the Camposanto of Pisa. There are four concerts in the program, each one is thought of as an encounter, a spiritual journey through the centuries. […]

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04 Jun

Tower and Camposanto, special opening by night

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From 17 June to 31 August special opening by night up to 22.00. Furthermore If you buy the ticket for visiting the Tower from 19.30 you get a free pass to visit the Camposanto. It is a unique opportunity for the visitor, who can admire the Piazza del Duomo and its wonderful monuments in a […]

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18 Jul


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The Madonna in adoration of the Child The Opera della Primaziale Pisana in collaboration with the National Gallery of Umbria and the Libera Accademia di Studi Caravaggeschi, has organised the exhibition dedicated to the Maestro Orazio Lomi Gentileschi, Pisa. The exhibition was curated by Prof. Pierluigi Carofano with a scientific committee composed of Prof. Raymond […]

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