The winner of the Xth edition of the 10th Anima Mundi International Competition of Sacred Music Composition announced by the Opera della Primaziale Pisana and the Anima Mundi Festival of Sacred Music is Paolo Pandolfo. The committee composed of John Eliot Gardiner (Jury President), Mgr. Marco Frisina, Mgr. Aldo Armani, Maestro Antonio Greco and Maestro Guido Corti unanimously recognized the composition of M° Pandolfo as the best of those that came this year.

The winning track entitled Ave Maris Stella for mixed chorus and organ will be performed on September 29, 2017 in the Cathedral of Pisa within the International Anima Mundi Music Festival. The Choir Costanzo Porta and the organ of Andrea Berardi will be directed by Antonio Greco.

In view of the future spread to the parish choral the composition was proposed in conjunction with a second simplified version, preceded by a short introduction for solo organ, followed by a vocal monodic exposure and a simple subsequent development in two voices.

Paolo Pandolfo, born in Cervarese Santa Croce (Padova), is author of chamber music, piano, liturgical music and commentary on videos and movies. His predominant composer activity is alongside that of choral direction. In 1990 he graduated in Law at the University of Bologna. He is currently a manager in a leading freight transport company.

Opera della Primaziale Pisana
Piazza Arcivescovado, 1-56126 Pisa
tel. +39 050 835011/12